The Science Fair is the largest science popularization event in the Czech Republic, which has been organized by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic every year since 2015. It offers visitors the most interesting information from the world of natural, technical, humanitarian and social fields. You will experience science first hand through interactive exhibits, models, mobile laboratories and hands-on workshops.

This year, on May 30 – June 1, you will also find the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences at the Science Fair! Do you want to learn more about bacteria? How do they get into our body? How do they survive in it and how do they cause various diseases? These questions will be answered by our scientists from the Laboratory of Infection Biology, together with whom you can also try various practical experiments. You will also learn about the world of fungi, where you can find them, how they harm us or, on the contrary, how they are beneficial to us, and you can take a close look at them under a microscope. The Laboratory of Tumor Immunology will also prepare experiments for you. At their stand, you will learn about, among other things, how their research contributes to the treatment of cancer.