Recruitment of university-educated staff of the Institute is based on the principles of Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) and governed by the Rules of the IMIC OTM–R Selection Procedure.
Note: The Institute is a non-university public research institution and does not award doctoral degrees. Staff in Ph.D. student position must be enrolled in a PhD programme at a university, but will be supervised or co-supervised by a staff member of the Institute
Postdoctoral researcher in Algal Molecular/Cell Biology
🧬 Laboratory of Cell Cycles of Algae
- Scientific
PhD position in ecosystem processes in heathland soils under climate change in Prague
🧬 Laboratoř environmentální mikrobiologie
- Scientific
Postdoc in Microbial Macroecology and Biogeography
🧬 Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology
- Postdoc