—— Horizon 2020 Projects ——
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
Joining forces to exploit the mycobiota of Asia, Africa and Europe for beneficial metabolites and potential biocontrol agents, using – OMICS techniques
Acronym |
Number and ID code of the project |
N° 101008129, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 |
Type of the project |
Coordinator |
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
Mgr. Miroslav Kolařík, PhD. |
Start of the project |
4/2021 |
End of the project |
9/2025 |
Total number of particip. countries |
4 |
Of which from EU |
4 |
Number of partners |
4 |
Total funding for the project |
1 375 400 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
289 800 EUR |
Provider |
Program EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE-2020 – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange |
Objective of the project:
The overall aim of the project is to exploit the mycobiota of Asia, Africa and Europe for beneficial metabolites and potential biocontrol agents, using -OMICS techniques. This also includes discovery of new taxa and bioactive molecules applicable in biotechnology and medicine. In the course of the project, partners from Austria, Czechia, Netherlands and South Africa will share knowledge, train students and disseminate results.
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
Holistic management practices, modelling and monitoring for European forest soils
Acronym |
HoliSoils |
Number and ID code of the project |
N°101000289, H2020-SFS-2020-2 |
Type of the project |
Coordinator |
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
RNDr. Petr Baldrian, Ph.D. |
Start of the project |
5/2021 |
End of the project |
10/2025 |
Total number of particip. countries |
13 |
Of which from EU |
10 |
Number of partners |
19 |
Total funding for the project |
9 999 920 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
843 250 EUR |
Provider |
Program EU Horizon 2020 LC-SFS-22-2020 – Forest soils Research and Innovation Action |
Objective of the project:
Knowledge gaps on forest soil processes and lack of a harmonised soil monitoring limit the EU’s ability to maintain soil related ecosystem services and to reach climate policy targets. A better understanding of the soil processes and a harmonised approach to manage and integrate data to computational models that are used for decision making is urgently required in order to meet climate and sustainability goals. The project HoliSoils aims to develop tools for soil monitoring, refine assessment of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes, enhance efficiency of GHG mitigation actions, and improve numerical forecasting of soil-based mitigation, adaptation, and ecosystem services. HoliSoils applies a collaborative multi-actor approach, in order to maximise its applicability and impact beyond its duration. The multidisciplinary consortium consists of universities and research institutes from across Europe, with leading expertise on soil analysis and databases, development of advanced analytical techniques, complex system modelling, digital soil mapping, soil ecology, disturbance ecology, forest and GHG inventories, social sciences, and communications. It also involves active engagement with diverse stakeholders, including forest owners and managers, industry actors, forest extension services, a certification body, forest and soil researchers, climate policy support and GHG inventory experts, and policymakers. Within the consortium, Institute of Microbiology leads the workpackage that characterizes forest soil biodiversity, soil properties and processes.
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
ALGAE4IBD – from nature to bedside – algae based bio compound for prevention and treatment of inflammation, pain and IBD
Acronym |
Algae4IBD |
Number and ID code of the project |
N° 101000501, H2020-FNR-2020-2 |
Type of the project |
Coordinator |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
RNDr. Pavel Hrouzek, Ph.D. |
Start of the project |
6/2021 |
End of the project |
5/2025 |
Total number of particip. countries |
11 |
Of which from EU |
9 |
Number of partners |
20 |
Total funding for the project |
7 499 520,01 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
271 995 EUR |
Provider |
Program EU Horizon 2020 FNR-11-2020 – Prospecting aquatic and terrestrial natural biological resources for biologically active compounds |
Objective of the project:
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including the Crohn´s disease, is one of the most important civilization disorder nowadays. Algae4IBD’s mission is to discover algal and cyanobacterial bioactive compounds reducing the inflammatory response and simultaneously silencing other IBD symptoms. The biomass of algal strains producing such compound will be used for preparation of functional food used in treatment and prevention of IBD. International consortium led by Israeli colleagues includes scientist from 21 European institutions with different expertise ranging from natural product chemistry, pharmacology, drug administration to functional food preparation.
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
Response of soil microbial communities to climate warming: from local to global scale
Acronym |
MicroWar |
Number and ID code of the project |
N° 101028243, H2020-MSCA-IF-2020 |
Type of the project |
Coordinator |
Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v.v.i., Czech Republic |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
RNDr. Jana Voříšková, Ph.D. |
Start of the project |
6/2021 |
End of the project |
29.9.2027 |
Total number of particip. countries |
1 |
Of which from EU |
1 |
Number of partners |
0 |
Total funding for the project |
156 980,64 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
156 980,64 EUR |
Provider |
Program EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-IF-2020 – Individual Fellowships |
Objective of the project:
Global warming represents one of the most complex issues of the present time and climate models predict further increase of temperature in the next decades. However, the extent of microbial response to predicted climate change and the consequences on stability of soil carbon and its possible release into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and methane represent a major knowledge gap. The aim of MicroWar project is to characterize the response of soil microbial communities to simulated warming in arctic tundra soils by combination of in situ ecosystem manipulation experiments with metagenomic approaches. Further the project aims to assess the response of soil microbial taxa to climate warming manipulations worldwide by meta-analytical synthesis using published data.
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
Redesigning the Photosynthetic Light Reactions
Acronym |
PhotoRedesign |
Number and ID code of the project |
N°854126, ERC-2019-SyG |
Type of the project |
Coordinator |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
prof. RNDr. Josef Komenda, CSc., DSc. |
Start of the project |
4/2020 |
End of the project |
3/2026 |
Total number of particip. countries |
3 |
Of which from EU |
3 |
Number of partners |
2 |
Total funding for the project |
7 496 829 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
2 498 861 EUR |
Provider |
Program EU Horizon 2020 ERC-SyG – Synergy grant |
Objective of the project:
Photosynthesis is a key natural process that uses the energy of sunlight to develop the oxygen we breathe and to produce biomass, which we use as food, feed and energy. However, plants, algae and cyanobacteria are able to absorb only part of this energy, there are significant energy losses during the process and the light also constantly damages the photosynthetic apparatus. Improved ability of photosynthetic organisms to absorb energy, its more efficient use and increased resistance to damage could significantly improve food and energy production, which are key challenges facing humanity. Contrary to current approaches, this project seeks to address these challenges by creating a new cyanobacterial-based organism that contains a combination of synthetic components and the most effective parts of the photosynthetic apparatus from different organisms: photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria and plants. This combination ensures a unique ability to absorb most of the sun’s radiation, increase energy gain from it and better resistance to light damage. The project will use the complementary expertise of the participating teams in molecular, synthetic and structural biology, biochemistry and biophysics of both bacterial and plant photosynthesis. The project should create a completely new concept of modification and optimization of complex biological processes such as photosynthesis, which are seemingly unchangeable due to their complexity. The PhotoRedesign project should lay the foundations for a major improvement in the productivity of economically important photosynthetic organisms, from the simplest cyanobacteria to agricultural crops.
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
A sustainable multi-strain, multi-method, multi-product microalgae biorefinery integrating industrial side streams to create high-value products for food, feed and fragrance
Acronym |
Number and ID code of the project |
N°887227, H2020-BBI-JTI-2019 |
Type of the project |
Coordinator |
A4F ALGAFUEL SA, Portugalsko |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
Ing. Jiří Kopecký, CSc. |
Start of the project |
5/2020 |
End of the project |
4/2025 |
Total number of particip. countries |
3 |
Of which from EU |
3 |
Number of partners |
7 |
Total funding for the project |
6 588 732 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
698 400 EUR |
Provider |
Program EU Horizon 2020 BBI-IA-DEMO – Bio-based Industries Innovation action – Demonstration |
Objective of the project:
The MULTI-STR3AM project responds to the growing demand for sustainable microalgae products. As the first European project, it is based on the so-called “MULTI-biorefinery” approach, which means the integration of multiple strains, multiple processes and multiple products into one common technology. The consortium includes two companies – Algae for Future (Portugal) and Phycom (Netherlands), which will produce biomass for the preparation of requiered high-quality products such as lipids for feed and food applications; algal protein for feed and cosmetic applications; pigments for food and feed, and low molecular weight organic compounds for cosmetics. The project includes seven work packages covering the entire production process, from biomass production through the integration of individual technologies into three main processing directions, to the final products for three large end users (For Farmers, International Flavors and Fragrances and Upfield). The MULTI-STR3AM project naturally focuses on reducing investment and operating costs for biomass production of microalgae and downstream processing. The role of the team of the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in the project is to obtain new strains, including breeding (non-GMO), proposals for cultivation protocols and the use of chromatography for the isolation of valuable substances..
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
Acronym |
Number and ID code of the project |
N°101003406, H2020-WF-02-2019 |
Type of the project |
Coordinator |
Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v.v.i. |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
Ing. Aleš Hnízda, Ph.D. |
Start of the project |
6/2020 |
End of the project |
5/2022 |
Total number of particip. countries |
1 |
Of which from EU |
1 |
Number of partners |
0 |
Total funding for the project |
156 980,64 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
156 980,64 EUR |
Provider |
Program EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-IF-EF-ST – Standard EF |
Objective of the project:
The aim of this project is to analyze the cooperative binding of transcription factors (TFs), which are regulated by the HIPPO signaling pathway. We will focus mainly on TFs from the TEAD and FOX groups, which probably work together to regulate the same transcription programs. We will use a bioinformatic search of the human genome followed by experimental analysis of intermolecular interactions between TF and DNA, which will be followed by structural analysis of selected macromolecular complexes. The results will provide information on the mechanisms by which TFs cooperate in relevant sections of the genome with the corresponding chromatin architecture.
Final Report of the project: HERE
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
PERtussIS COrrelates of Protection Europe
Acronym |
Number and ID code of the project |
N°115910, H2020JTI-IMI2-2015-03-two stage |
Type of the project |
IMI2-2015-03-05 – Vaccines |
Coordinator |
Radboud University Medical Center, Holland |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
Prof. Ing. Peter Šebo, CSc. |
Start of the project |
3/2016 |
End of the project |
8/2022 |
Total number of particip. countries |
9 |
Of which from EU |
8 |
Number of partners |
22 |
Total funding for the project |
21 000 000 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
300 000 EUR |
Provider |
Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking, které získalo podporu z programu EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovations a EFPIA (The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) a BMGF (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) |
Objective of the project:
The overall objective of the PERISCOPE consortium is to accelerate the development and registration of novel pertussis vaccines. Pivotal to this is the identification of novel biomarkers of protection and the development of models that can be used to expedite preclinical and clinical testing, and selection of the most effective candidates for licensing.
More information: https://periscope-project.eu/
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
Sustainable Algae Biorefinery for Agriculture aNd Aquaculture
Acronym |
Number and ID code of the project |
N°727874, H2020-BG-2016-2017/H2020-BG-2016-1 |
Type of the project |
IA |
Coordinator |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
prof. RNDr. Jiří Masojídek, CSc. |
Start of the project |
12/2016 |
End of the project |
11/2021 |
Total number of particip. countries |
5 |
Of which from EU |
5 |
Number of partners |
10 |
Total funding for the project |
8 848 523,75 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
549 750 EUR (of which EUR 170 000 to the linked third party National Research Council, Italy) |
Provider |
Program EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovations |
Objective of the project:
Project aims at developing a large-scale integrated microalgae-based biorefinery for the production of biostimulants, biopesticides and feed additives, in addition to biofertilizers and aquafeed, using only marine water and nutrients from wastewaters (sewage, centrate and pig manure). The objective is to achieve a zero-waste process at a demonstration scales up to 5 ha sustainable both environmentally and economically.
More information: http://www.eu-sabana.eu/
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
European Network of Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance Mass Spectrometry Centers
Acronym |
Number and ID code of the project |
N°731077, H2020-INFRAIA-2017-1-two-stage |
Type of the project |
Coordinator |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
RNDr. Petr Novák, PhD |
Start of the project |
1/2018 |
End of the project |
12/2022 |
Total number of particip. countries |
9 |
Of which from EU |
8 |
Number of partners |
11 |
Total funding for the project |
4 988 746,50 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
542 265,75 EUR |
Provider |
Program EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovations |
4 objectives of the project:
- Provide the EU academic, SME and industrial communities’ with access to world-class FT-ICR MS centers.
- Build an EU community of end-users and FT-ICR MS scientists.
- Open access to data and open source software to the EU FT-ICR MS network.
- Strengthen the FT-ICR MS application fields by promoting innovative and cooperative research between European FT-ICR MS academic scientists and private companies (instrumentation and software).
More information: http://eu-fticr-ms.eu/
Title of the Framework Program: Horizon 2020
Name of the project:
European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium Providing Access
Acronym |
Number and ID code of the project |
N°823839, H2020-INFRAIA-2018-1 |
Type of the project |
Coordinator |
Utrecht University, Holandsko |
IMIC Principal Researcher |
RNDr. Petr Novák, PhD |
Start of the project |
1/2019 |
End of the project |
6/2023 |
Total number of particip. countries |
15 |
Of which from EU |
13 |
Number of partners |
18 |
Total funding for the project |
9 986 185,75 EUR |
Funding for IMIC |
474 125 EUR (of which EUR 90 125 for the linked third party Masaryk University). |
Provider |
Program EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovations |
Objective of the project:
Project brings together a consortium of world-leading, highly innovative European proteomics facilities with the shared goal of supporting excellent life sciences research in Europe. Project will provide scientists transnational access to high end proteomics technologies and resources, will strengthen and expand the European proteomics community through its expertise in proteomics. Project will develop and implement novel mass spectrometry based proteomics and bioinformatics approaches. It’s excellent training courses and programs, available to both novices and experts, will attract new research communities who will be schooled in advanced proteomics technologies.
More information: https://epic-xs.eu
—— OP VVV Projects ——
Project title:
International mobility of researchers – MSCA-IF IV (Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v. v. i.)
Provider |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Operational Program |
Operational Programmme Research, Development and Education |
Project number |
CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/20_079/0017812 |
Project duration |
1.1.2021 – 31.1.2023 |
Beneficiary |
Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v.v.i. |
Objectives of the project:
The project will support three MSCA projects – arrivals to the Czech Republic approved at the European level from Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, which were listed in the “no-money” list.
The project is financially supported by the European Union.
Project title:
International mobility of researchers of the Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v. v. i. No 2
Provider |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Operational Program |
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education |
Project number |
CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0017705 |
Project duration |
1.1.2021 – 31.1.2023 |
Beneficiary |
Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v.v.i. |
Objectives of the project:
The general objective of the project is the internationalization and strengthening of IM research. For outbound mobility, the project is aimed at supporting the professional development of young IM researchers through acquiring new experience and practices abroad, and supporting high-quality senior IM researchers in their further professional growth. For inbound mobility, the project is aimed at utilizing the potential of post-docs from abroad within the IM and transferring foreign experience of high-quality senior researchers to IM. A total of 19 mobilities are planned within the project. The presentation of results and the establishment of contacts will be promoted by attendance at foreign conferences and dissemination seminars.
The project is financially supported by the European Union.
Project title
International mobility of researchers – MSCA-IF III (Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v. v. i.)
Provider |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Operational Program |
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education |
Project number |
CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_074/0014484 |
Project duration |
1.1.2020 – 31.12.2021 |
Beneficiary |
Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v. v. i. |
Objectives of the project:
The general objective of the project is the development of human resources in research at the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v. v. i. The project supports the project of inbound mobility of a researcher approved at European level from Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, which was listed in the “no-money” list.
The project is financially supported by the European Union
Project title:
ELIXIR-CZ: Capacity Building
Provider |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Operational Program |
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education |
Project number |
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001777 |
Project duration |
1.5.2017 – 30.4.2021 |
Beneficiary |
Masaryk University in Brno |
The project is financially supported by the European Union.
Project title:
Modernization and support of research activities of the national infrastructure for translational medicine EATRIS-CZ
Provider |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Operational Program |
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education |
Project number |
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001818 |
Project duration |
1.6.2017 – 31.5.2019 |
Beneficiary |
Palacký University Olomouc |
The project is financially supported by the European Union.
Project title:
International mobility of researchers – MSCA-IF (Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v. v. i.)
Provider |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Operational Program |
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education |
Project number |
CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/17_050/0008376 |
Project duration |
1.6.2018 – 31.7.2021 |
Beneficiary |
Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v.v.i. |
Objectives of the project:
The general objective of the project is the development of human resources in research at the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v.i. The project supports the inbound mobility of a researcher approved at European level from Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, which was listed in the “no-money” list.
The project is financially supported by the European Union.
Project title:
International mobility of researchers of the Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v. v. i.
Provider |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Operational Program |
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education |
Project number |
CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_027/0007990 |
Project duration |
1.1.2018 – 31.7.2020 |
Beneficiary |
Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v.v.i. |
Objectives of the project:
The general objective of the project is the internationalization and strengthening of IM research. For outbound mobility, the project is aimed at supporting the professional development of young rookie IM researchers through acquiring new experience and practices abroad, and supporting high-quality senior IM researchers in their further professional growth. For inbound mobility, the project is aimed at utilizing the potential of post-docs from abroad within the IM and transferring foreign experience of high-quality senior researchers to IM. Within the project, 7 items of inbound mobility and 7 items of outbound mobility will be implemented. The presentation of results and the establishment of contacts will be promoted by attendance at foreign conferences and dissemination seminars.
The project is financially supported by the European Union
Project title:
International mobility of researchers – MSCA-IF II (Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v. v. i.)
Provider |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Operational Program |
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education |
Project number |
CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_070/0010493 |
Project duration |
1.9.2018 – 31.8.2020 |
Beneficiary |
Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v.v.i. |
Objectives of the project:
The general objective of the project is the development of human resources in research at the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. The project supports the project of inbound mobility of a researcher approved at European level from Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, which was listed in the “no-money” list.
The project is financially supported by the European Union