The largest workplace in the Czech Republic that comprehensively studies the properties of microorganisms from the aspect of basic research as well as practical applicability in industry, medicine and a number of other fields – that is the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Considering the need for modern, effective and unifying communication, this workplace presents a new logo and visual identity that reflects the vision of becoming a modern scientific institution of global importance.

The change of visual identity took place at the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (MBÚ) for the purpose of modern presentation of the institute and comprehensive graphic communication. The Institute thus wants to improve its recognition and communication with the professional and non-specialist public. In cooperation with a graphic designer Martin Kolerus, a new logo and several associated graphic elements were created.

“The emergence of the new visual identity of the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences stems from the absence of a comprehensive graphic profile and characteristic elements that an institution of such importance undoubtedly deserves. The goal was to properly depict the essence of the institute graphically and visually place it in the forefront of important Czech and world institutions. Last but not least, to help promote the institute in the framework of internal and external communication and build a good name alongside the scientific teams,” says the author of the new logo, Martin Kolerus.

“The supporting idea of the visual identity is the symbol of a drop, which somewhere less, somewhere more, permeates individual applications in the form of a font or a graphic element extracted from photographs. Drop as the starting point of the research process. A drop as a catalyst for a fascinating process of discovery. Drop as an element creating links in the network of scientific professions. An ordinary drop formed from the infinity of the unknown. A stylized drop as a supporting symbol of the new visual identity of a progressive institution that turns this infinity into valuable information,” adds the graphic designer.

The basic element of the unified visual style is the MBU logotype in Czech, English and mixed language versions. The new visual identity also includes a basic and additional font, a color palette, and, above all, applications for internal and external communication. MBÚ is currently implementing these new elements and applications, and in the future the institute will reveal other elements that are closely related to its new visual identity.