About  Folia Microbiologica
For the past fifty-plus years the journal has served as a publication forum for microbiologists all over the world.
It accepts papers on basic and applied topics, emphasizing modern approaches and technologies.


    Research fields include:
• Algal microbiology
• Antibiotic production
• Cell cycle
• Cell engineering
• Continuous cultivation
• Ecology
• Electron microscopy
• Enzymology and enzyme engineering
• General microbiology
• Gnotobiology
• Immunology
• Membrane transport
• Molecular genetics
• Morphology
• Mycology
• Nitrogen metabolism
• Pathophysiology of microorganisms
• Regulation of metabolism
• Secondary metabolism
• Soil microbiology
• Yeasts
• Taxonomy

    Database coverage includes AGRICOLA, Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents,
Excerpta Medica (EMBASE), MEDLINE, Research Alert, and Veterinary Bulletin.


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Postal address  Folia Microbiologica Editorial Office
 Vídeňská 1083
142 20  Prague 4
Czech Republic
Fax  +420 244 471 286
E-mail  folia@biomed.cas.cz