Jan Čapek won the IMIC’s PhD Thesis Competition

On Friday, March 15, 2024, a competition for the best dissertation was held as part of the institute’s seminars, which was attended by doctoral students of the IMIC – Jan Rasl, Rutuja Patil, Izabela Mujakić, František Sklenář, Veronika Kselíková, Martina Hurtová and Waheed your Rahman. They presented research projects of their dissertations.     The…

Upcoming Conference: Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2024

We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2024, which is a biennial meeting of specialists in separation methods covering fundamental to applied research in chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, forensics, and related disciplines. You can find more information on this website: https://chiranal2024.upol.cz/. The conference will take…

A drop as a symbol of the new visual identity of the IMIC

The largest workplace in the Czech Republic that comprehensively studies the properties of microorganisms from the aspect of basic research as well as practical applicability in industry, medicine and a number of other fields – that is the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Considering the need for modern,…

Nikola Vildová became a PR manager of the IMIC

On 15 February 2024, Nikola Vildová, MSc. became the new Coordinator for Internal and External Relations of the IMIC. Her task will be to ensure complete PR and marketing activities of the Institute. In particular, communication support for scientific teams, cooperation with the media, web and social network management, as well as organization of professional…

Pomocník i hrozba. Na neznámé houby se zaměří odborníci různých profesí

Všudypřítomné houby se hojně využívají v potravinářství, v biotechnologiích i medicíně. Přesto je většina z nich neznámá. Důkladně zmapovaný není ani jejich léčivý potenciál, stejně jako rizika pro lidské zdraví či životní prostředí. Nově je bude studovat interdisciplinární tým v programu Houby – nové hrozby i příležitosti (MycoLife – svět hub), který financuje Strategie AV21 Akademie věd ČR.…

Transdisciplinary collaboration in architecture: Integrating microalgae biotechnologies for human and non-human perspectives

Article authors: Veronika Miškovičová, Jiří Masojídek In recent years, the architectural community has faced many ecological, geopolitical, and socioeconomic challenges. This paper delves into the potential of algal biotechnologies, with a specific focus on microorganisms, such as microalgae, for architectural and design applications. With the ability to offer a wide range of applications in architecture…

Hledají houby, které ani nevidí – podle jejich DNA

Lidé obvykle chodí hledat houby do lesa a berou si k tomu nůž a košík. Tomáš Větrovský z Mikrobiologického ústavu Akademie věd ČR hledá houby v laboratoři a potřebuje k tomu sekvenátor pro analýzu DNA. Výsledkem jeho práce je celosvětová databáze hub a také nové poznatky o jejich životním prostředí i o tom, že klimatické změny nepříznivě ovlivňují zejména…

Meeting of Otto Wichterle Premium winners

On 26 May 2023, an informal gathering of the laureates of the prestigious Otto Wichterle Premium took place at the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. The Czech Academy of Sciences awards this prize to selected, exceptionally high quality and promising scientists of the Academy who have contributed outstanding results…